Window and Storefront Repair Grant

The Window Repair Grant Program is transitioning to the City of Edmonton in 2025. This transition will allow the OSBA to focus on other priorities within the district.
The Window and Storefront Repair Program is an expansion of the Window Repair Program. The
purpose of this grant program is to assist businesses with costs of repairs to their business as a
result of vandalism.
The City of Edmonton reserves the right to consider exceptions based on extenuating circumstances
and may make changes to the program as needed. The following positions have the authority, in
their sole and unfettered discretion, to determine the eligibility of proposed work and confirmation
of completed work:
- Branch Manager, Economic Investment Services
The grant will cover up to 50% of costs for eligible repairs up to a maximum of $5,000 in funding
per business license. Please note that funding for the Window and Storefront Repair Program is a
one-time funding program.
Key Things to Know
- Eligible businesses will receive a reimbursement grant of up to 50% of eligible costs (any combination of windows, fixtures and facade) to a maximum of $5,000.
- Businesses may apply multiple times, but the maximum total grant amount available is $5,000 per business license, not per application.
- A police report is not required, but strongly encouraged for your own records.
- Damage must be a result of vandalism.