Things got a little brighter on the avenue this week, with the ultimate alley glow up! Tucked in between Malt & Mortar and Glam Slam you’ll find a colorful path, reminiscent of the classic Mario Kart track, Rainbow Road.
This was commissioned by the Old Strathcona Business Association as part of a plan to enhance the expanded sidewalks on Whyte Avenue between Gateway Boulevard and 105th street. Artist, Amos Kajner-Nonnekes, of Design Etc. says, “Something you don’t see very often is a mural on the ground, you can kind of walk through and see yourself going down this rainbow road.”

Whether you’re grabbing an ice cream at the near by Made by Marcus, a drink on the extended patio at Malt & Mortar, or a little shopping at Glam Slam – don’t miss snapping a few photos down this colorful path, and be sure to tag us on social media @oldstrathcona! So many of you have already hit the colorful pavement and photos quickly caught the attention of Narcity and Curiocity!

Be Safe & Be Kind – Note that while many of our businesses have reopened, and we have enhanced space for pedestrian use, please remember: stay home if you’re sick, wear a mask, respect physical distancing, plan ahead, and sanitize your hands often!