What Is An Art Hive?
Art Hives are a branch of art therapy that focuses on the health of the community to combat depression, isolation, and stereotypes within the community. Art Hives operate on an “each one teach one” premise that aims at creating an inclusive environment for anyone, and everyone to work creatively. They do not teach art classes, but instead provide free material and space for people to be creative! In addition they attempt to engage with participants and provoke healthy conversations. Food and gardening can often be important parts of an art hive as these activities promote healthy interactions between community members who might not normally have the opportunity to connect.

Who Is Behind Art Hive?
The art therapist, Cora McLachan, and local artist Michael Cor have been working with the Neighbour Centre to host Art Hives. Their goal is to facilitate this on a consistent basis. That’s where the The Neighbours Art Hive / Block Party comes in, as a way to help raise money for art supplies and organize future events!
So please join us on Friday, July 31 from 2-8. There will be music, art, bicycle safety checks from Bike Edmonton, comedy shows at Grindstone Theatre, an obstacle course at City Fit Shop & more!